Why is My Cat Drooling? Reasons Explained from Normal to Concerning

Emma Fulton Emma Fulton 2 Min Read
photo by WhiskerWitty

As a cat parent, you’ve probably noticed your furry friend drooling every so often. It’s totally normal for kitties to have a bit of drool once in a while. But if your cat’s drool starts becoming excessive, it could point to a health issue. In this article, we’ll explore the common reasons for cat drool so you can get to the bottom of the situation.

Normal and Harmless Reasons for Cat Drooling

Happiness and Relaxation

Believe it or not, just like humans have their own unique ways of showing contentment, so do cats. Some kitties, when lost in the throes of relaxation, might just drool a little. It’s like their way of giving a thumbs-up! Especially during those heartwarming petting or cuddling sessions, a drool can be a sign of your cat’s ultimate bliss. So, if your furry buddy drools when you scratch that perfect spot behind their ears, take it as a compliment.

Ingestion of Bitter Substances

Ever had that involuntary reaction when you taste something incredibly bitter? Cats are no different. Sometimes, the unexpected taste of a bitter substance can cause our feline friends to drool. A classic example? After consuming certain oral medications. If you’ve ever had to play nurse and administer a pill, you might’ve noticed a drool aftermath. It’s just their way of saying, “Yuck!”

Stress-Induced Drooling

Contrary to popular belief, not all drooling is a sign of comfort. Stress can also make some cats drool. Picture this: a car ride to the vet, a new pet in the house, or even a pesky vacuum cleaner can rattle your cat enough to cause a drool spell. It’s essential to recognize these stressors so you can help your fur baby feel more at ease.

Health-Related Causes for Cat Drooling

Dental Disease

Much like us humans, cats aren’t immune to dental woes. Dental diseases, such as gingivitis or tooth abscesses, can cause our feline friends some real discomfort. When these issues arise, drooling can become a common symptom. Why? Simply because a sore mouth makes it tough to swallow saliva. And if you notice your cat struggling to munch on their favorite treats or turning away from their food bowl, it might be a sign that dental disease is the culprit. Regular dental check-ups can keep those pearly whites in tip-top shape.

Neurological Disease

The brain’s a powerful thing, guiding our every move. But when neurological issues interfere, things can go awry. In cats, neurological diseases or trauma can disrupt the normal functioning of the mouth and throat, leading to drooling. Imagine not being able to move food around in your mouth or swallow it down properly – not fun, right? For our whiskered pals, it can be distressing and lead to increased salivation. Always be on the lookout for any sudden or unusual drooling patterns in your cat.

Other Health Concerns

While dental and neurological issues are top contenders, there’s a myriad of other health concerns that can trigger drooling in cats. Issues like stomach acid, foreign bodies stuck in the mouth, or even certain infections can make your cat turn on the drool tap. And here’s the kicker: Sometimes, the cause might not be immediately evident to the naked eye. That’s why, if you’re ever in doubt, it’s always a good move to consult with a veterinarian. They’re the Sherlock Holmes of the pet world, ready to decode even the most mysterious of feline behaviors.

When to Consult a Veterinarian?

While a little drool now and then is no big deal, excessive drooling or drooling accompanied by other symptoms warrants a trip to the vet. Keep an eye on the frequency and volume of your cat’s drooling. Look out for signs like drooling lasting more than a day or two, thick ropes of drool, blood in the saliva, bad breath, changes in eating habits, lethargy, and weight loss. Drooling coupled with behavioral changes like aggression or hiding also requires veterinary attention. The sooner underlying health issues are detected, the better the prognosis for your cat. Early treatment improves quality of life and may add more healthy years for your furry friend. Never hesitate to call your vet if your notice anything unusual with your cat’s drooling habits – it’s always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to your kitty’s health.


While occasional cat drooling is normal, excessive drool or drooling along with other symptoms can indicate a health problem. Stay observant of changes in your kitty’s behavior and habits. Your cat’s health relies on you, so don’t hesitate to call the vet if drooling has you concerned. Here’s to many happy, healthy years with your feline friend!

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