Why Do Dogs Eat Cat Poop and How to Stop It

Hannah Gray Hannah Gray 3 Min Read
photo by WhiskerWitty

You walk into the room and catch your dog in the litter box, happily munching away on the cat’s poop. Gross, right? As a pet parent, you’re probably wondering why on earth your dog seems so fascinated with feasting on those little brown nuggets. Well, you’re not alone – dogs all over the world are drawn to cat feces like kids to candy. But there’s more to this stinky behavior than meets the eye. Understanding the complex reasons behind coprophagia can help you better address your dog’s disturbing habit and improve their health and happiness. So let’s dive into the murky world of why dogs eat cat poop and what we frazzled pet parents can do about it! This quirky canine quest is more nuanced than you might think.

Biological Reasons for Coprophagia

As disturbing as it seems, your dog’s obsession with cat poop actually stems from some valid biological factors. Let’s break down the science behind why your pup’s nose leads them straight to the litter box.

Nutritional Deficiencies Drive Poop Eating

Many commercial dog foods simply don’t provide all the nutrients canines require. Important components like high-quality proteins, healthy fats, fiber and probiotics are often missing. Since cat food tends to contain more protein and fat from all that tasty meat, dogs can be drawn to the undigested goodness still present in kitty’s feces. In a sense, they are trying to find the nutrients missing from their own dull, mass-produced kibble.

Enzymes in Cat Poop Attract Dogs

As true carnivores, cats need a diet packed with animal proteins. When these proteins pass through kitty’s gut undigested, the digestive enzymes remain active in the poop. These enzymes keep breaking down compounds in the feces, releasing an appealing odor and flavor that lures in dogs. Essentially, the enzymes create an irresistible scent that drives dogs wild with desire to eat it up and absorb the nutritious compounds themselves.

Ancestral Scavenging Instincts Remain

As descendants of wolves, dogs retain the innate scavenging behaviors of their ancestors. Wolf packs would thoroughly clean up carcass sites, ingesting every last morsel – bones, fur and feces included. This made efficient use of all available nutrients. Our domestic dogs still carry this instinct to consume all forms of waste to maximize food sources. For them, cat poop seems like just another scavenging opportunity!

Behavioral Aspects: Why Do Dogs Eat Cat Poop?

Beyond biological factors, there are some key behavioral motivations that drive dogs to partake in coprophagia. Let’s explore what’s going on in that furry head.

Puppies Learn from Mom

Like human babies, puppies mimic the behaviors they observe in their mothers and littermates. Mother dogs instinctively consume their pup’s feces to keep the den clean. Puppies exposed to this routine cleanup as infants often carry the poop-eating habit into adulthood, expanding it to cat feces.

Dogs Explore with Their Noses

Dogs investigate new things primarily with their super-powered noses. When your curious canine discovers the litter box, that potpourri of intriguing smells drives them to explore further – and snack on the source! Coupled with their scavenging instincts, dogs can’t resist chowing down.

Acting Out for Attention

Dogs are social animals who crave attention from their human pack. Eating cat poop gets an immediate reaction, even if it’s negative attention like yelling or removing the dog from the room. Your dog may have learned that poop-eating is a surefire way to get you to engage with them. It becomes a habitual behavior pattern.

Health Implications of Eating Cat Poop

While your pup may find kitty’s feces irresistible, indulging in coprophagia can have dangerous health consequences. Let’s go over some of the risks.

Exposure to Parasites and Diseases

Cat feces may contain parasitic worms like toxoplasmosis along with bacteria and viruses. Eating poop gives your dog direct exposure to these pathogens. Diseases can be transmitted between pets this way. Always deworm cats regularly to reduce contagion risk.

Digestive Troubles

A dog’s GI tract is designed to digest dog food, not cat feces. The composition and high protein content of cat poop can irritate your dog’s stomach and intestines, causing vomiting, diarrhea, and even blockages requiring emergency veterinary care.

Prevention Is Critical

To protect your dog’s health, be proactive. Place litter boxes up high or behind closed doors. Walk your dog regularly to discourage boredom. Feed them a balanced, species-appropriate diet. Consult your vet about adding supplements. Stopping coprophagia before it starts is the best cure!

Psychological Factors Contributing to the Behavior

In some cases, a dog’s inability to resist cat feces may stem from psychological issues that need to be addressed.

Boredom and Anxiety

Dogs who lack enough physical and mental stimulation can turn to inappropriate behaviors like consuming cat poop out of boredom or anxiety. Make sure your dog gets adequate exercise and playtime. Consider puzzle toys and training games to engage their mind.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

For some dogs, feces-eating becomes a compulsive disorder. They obsessively seek it out and ingest it repetitively. This abnormal behavior requires intervention. Talk to your veterinarian about anti-anxiety medications and behavior modification plans. Getting to the root of your dog’s stress is key.

Practical Tips to Prevent Dogs from Eating Cat Poop

Litter Box Location

Place litter boxes in high areas out of your dog’s reach, like on top of counters or washing machines. Use baby gates to block access if needed. This removes opportunity.

Training and Enrichment

Use positive reinforcement training to teach your dog to avoid the litter box. Provide plenty of physical and mental enrichment with walks, play time, puzzles and training sessions to prevent boredom. Consult a trainer or veterinary behaviorist for customized training tips.

Medical Intervention

Some medication can reduce coprophagic urges. Talk to your vet about anxiety medication or supplements to alter stool taste. Some dogs may need further treatment for obsessive compulsive disorder.


While dogs eating cat poop may seem gross and puzzling, it’s important to understand the potential motivations behind this behavior. Biological drives, behavioral patterns, psychological issues and health risks are all tied to coprophagia. Armed with insight into why dogs indulge in feces, pet parents can take steps to protect cat and canine health. Place litter boxes strategically, enrich your dog’s routine, train them positively, and consult your vet or an animal behaviorist. With patience and consistency, you can curb your dog’s cat poop snacking habit and ensure both pets live their healthiest, happiest lives together.

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