
About WhiskerWitty

Welcome to Whisker Witty, where we’re dedicated to providing valuable insights into the world of cats. Our site is run by a team of cat lovers who are passionate about sharing their knowledge and experiences with fellow feline enthusiasts.

Our mission is to help cat owners better understand and care for their pets through informative and engaging content. From cat health and nutrition to behaviour and lifestyle, we cover a wide range of topics to help you provide the best possible care for your furry friend.

At Whisker Witty, we collaborate with licensed veterinarians and other industry experts to ensure the accuracy of our content. However, it’s important to note that our blog is not a substitute for veterinary advice. We recommend consulting with your own veterinarian for personalized care recommendations.


Nala - CEO

Meet Nala: the CEO (Cat Executive Officer) of WhiskerWitty!
With her distinctive tabby stripes and a purr that commands authority, she’s been calling the shots since she was a kitten. Her management style? A mix of catnaps on keyboards and laser-point strategic planning. Under her feline leadership, WhiskerWitty has soared to “pawsome” heights. When she’s not overseeing her magazine empire from the highest perch in the office or ensuring her food bowl policies are strictly adhered to, she’s holding “meowtings” with her senior staff: a collection of plush toys. Her motto? “If you dream it, you can claw your way to it!”

Dr. Emma Fulton

Hi there! I’m Dr. Emma Fulton.
With a decade in veterinary care, I’ve delved deep at places like Liverpool and Royal Veterinary Hospitals. Beyond treating pets, I wear my writer’s hat, breaking down complex vet topics for all you cat lovers out there. When I’m not penning articles, you might spot me on a UK hiking trail with my golden retriever or unwinding with a yoga pose. My mission? To empower you with knowledge, ensuring our feline friends get the best care!

Dr. Hannah Gray

Hi! I’m Hannah Gray!
Cats? They’ve been my fascination since forever. With a degree from the University of Bristol in feline behavior, I’ve helped many a troubled kitty. Realizing many cats faced issues due to misunderstandings, I turned to writing. Now, I guide cat enthusiasts, sharing tips on positive techniques and enriching cat environments. Want to find me off-duty? I’ll be nestled with a book, tea in hand, while my cats, Leo and Elara, purr by my side.

Our Review Policy

At WhiskerWitty, we take pride in delivering unbiased and authentic reviews. We never accept any form of compensation in exchange for our reviews. Rest assured that our opinions are solely based on the merits of the products we feature. If requested or upon the completion of our agreed loan period, we promptly return the products.

Thank you for visiting Whisker Witty, and we hope our blog provides you with valuable insights and helpful resources for all things cat-related. Don’t forget to follow us on social media for the latest updates and be sure to contact us if you have any questions or feedback.